Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Issue 59 (2013-2014)

Issue 59 (November 19, 2013)


Field Hockey at CCA at 3:30. Volleyball at the ye olde bish at 5. Big games. Get out there or else Marj will sass you and Raeann will “kill” you.

Save the Lotus
Liv, you have to understand that big tents where students can hang out, eat, and interact do not fit the image of Bishop’s.

Joke of the Day
James Maysent.
- This joke was brought to you by Tommy Higginson.

We Appreciate You
Elke Johnson, your Instagram selfies are super sick. Thanks for keeping us updated girl. Shred on.

Tomorrow at 7:30, your beloved men in speedos play the La Jolla High Groms in water polo in the CIF Semi Finals. Their blond-haired bandits have a slight genetic advantage because they were all conceived in the water at Windansea, but our team showed them who’s better on Halloween and will do so again tomorrow. Show up and show them that we run LJ and Rigos, and that our boys are hotter.

Lyrics Quiz
Some people got the lyrics quiz right, but only because they looked up “Let Her Go” by Passenger after watching Addie and Claire slow dance to it.


By: Liv Johnson (Entrepreneur, Bishop’s Spontaneity Representative)

You all may have noticed the beautiful art installation that was assembled masterfully after a few labor intensive hours on the lawn next to the rec room yesterday. This temple represented the much needed peace around campus. It was erected to be a place for calmness, meditation, salon style gathering, and yoga.
Of course, it was assembled with the purest and most sincere intentions. I was simply pursuing my entrepreneurial spirit and progressing America forward.
All day people gawked and questioned- what is this tent? Aliens? Hippies? A mushroom? An onion? This tent sparked curiosity and was awe-inspiring. It was such because it was done on a whim.
I thought I had done something great to enrich the community! I felt that new space would be incredible for people to refuel, refresh, and then face the day.
Sadly, at around lunchtime, while enjoying my lunch in the tent with students from all different grades congregating together, I was told the temple must be taken down at once.
Initially, I thought this was a joke because why in the hell would anyone want this magical dream boat to be taken down? It's the most beautiful art installation Bishop's has every seen.
I went to see Mr. Beamer, wanting to chat and have a little heart to heart. Shut down! I couldn't even get one more day with the temple of my dreams. Ms. Roche. Shut down as well, even though our chat was lovely and our time glancing at the temple with my arm around her was heartfelt.
I felt hopeless. Why? I got these answers.
The temple doesn't fit the image of Bishop's. What could be going on inside the tent? Oh my.
I started off the day saying that this was the best day in a long time because the lotus temple was finally up and was bringing joy and plenty of curiosity, but ended the day crushed that my temple had to be taken down.
Why didn't I ask before setting it up? I wanted the temple to shock and awe people. I wanted it to be spontaneous. I knew that I did not want to wait to get approval or denial from ten different people and then start an email frenzy and ruffle thousands of perfectly primped feathers.
Maybe asking for forgiveness is easier than asking for permission?
I am sad to see my dreams crushed so quickly. I thought Bishop's encouraged the out of the box thinking and spontaneity that I was delivering. It's not like the temple was doing any damage or causing any trouble...

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